American Cocker Spaniel

    The American Cocker Spaniel was developed from the English Cocker Spaniels that were imported to North America in the 1900's. They were recognized as a separate breed because they looked a bit different. These spaniels had small heads, broad muzzles (not as long as the English ones) long ears, and were relatively smaller than the other spaniels. American Cocker Spaniels can grow into 22-31 lbs and 14-15 inches tall, and are expected to live up to 12-15 years. They also have fairly long coats.

The English Cocker Spaniel

    The English Cocker Spaniel was and still is used as a popular gundog, but despite that, they are great companions for families. They are pretty easy to train, and they perform well at agility competitions and obedience performances. These companiable dogs are great swimmers, and they love to roam about. Like cockapoos, they are prone to ear infections more easily than other dogs, so the ears must be taken to great care. English Cockers grow up to 14-16 inches tall, and weigh up to 26-33 lbs, and they also live up to 12-14 years. They also have pretty long snoouts/muzzles! :)